Thursday, July 11, 2013

Paradise Regained

I’m at Treetops.
Up on the hill in mid-Ontario.
Where chipmunks and goldfinches feed
and mosquitoes breed. 
Treetops is paradise.

I’m happy at Treetops.
At the far end of long Loucks Lake.
Where red squirrels and hummingbirds hover and deer flies bother.
Treetops is paradise.

I’m serenely happy at Treetops.
Nearby good friends and neighbors.
Where geraniums and pines grow wild
and breezes blow mild.
Treetops is paradise.

And, I’m planning to every summer at Treetops.
Up north in the deep woods of Canada.
Where the lakes cool and refresh
and the people tend to impress.
Treetops is paradise. 

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